Video 1 Hook 1 CTA 1
Video 2 Hook 1 CTA 2
Video 3 Hook 2 CTA 1
Video 4 Hook 2 CTA 2
Script Suggested Shot (feel free to be creative in how you interpret)
Hook 1 Want to hear my secret to staying sweat free this summer? Either outside in garden if sunny weather talking to camera OR if garden setting doesn’t work covering mouth as if revealing a secret
Hook 2 Want to hear how to keep your armpits happy this summer? Stick post-it note with a smiley face on it to your armpit (see inspo link)
Problem A lot of natural deodorant brands don’t actually stop you sweating, but this antiperspirant from Life Supplies is different. Showing off product
Benefit 1 Its triple action plant powered formula actually stops you sweating. Holding up arms, showing dry armpits with no sweat patches
Benefit 2 Its scent comes from 100% natural essential oils. Holding bottle again, smelling fragrance, wafting into face
Benefit 3 Best of all, it’s a sustainable swap you won’t regret. You recieve refills through the post. Each refill carton refills your bottle 4 times, reducing your plastic usage by up to 98%. Unboxing refill and pouring into bottle
CTA 1 Try it today to get your first refill and shipping free To camera holding bottle
CTA 2 Try it today to get 40% off your first order To camera holding bottle