
Video 1 Hook 1 CTA 1
Video 2 Hook 1 CTA 2
Script Suggested Shot (feel free to be creative in how you interpret)
Hook 1 Are you looking for a deodorant that stops you sweating AND saves plastic? Here’s the answer… Lifting arms to show armpits
Problem I recently made the switch to a natural deodorant to cut down on my plastic waste, but I found that I was always a sticky, sweaty mess by the end of the day! Show sweaty armpits
Intro brand Now I’ve found this sustainable antiperspirant from Life Supplies and found the best of both worlds: a sustainable, naturally fragranced deodorant that keeps me feeling fresh all day long. Here’s how it works: Show off product to camera
Benefit 1 Step 1: Select your bottle and pick your favourite scent on Life Supplies’ website. There are two 100% natural fragrances to choose from. Close-up to phone, scrolling on website and selecting fragrance
Benefit 2 Step 2: Receive your lifetime prefilled glass and metal bottle through the post. The bottle was designed by the team behind Tiffany & co and Lululemon and looks beautiful. Unboxing and showing off bottle
Benefit 3 Step 3: You’ll receive refills through the post. Each refill fills your bottle 4 times, reducing your plastic usage by up to 98%. Pouring refill
CTA 1 Try it today to get your first refill and shipping free. To camera holding with APD
CTA 2 Try it today to get 40% off your first order. To camera holding with APD